that is all...
I am nothing you need to be concerned about... well unless you are a naked woman who can cook :P v( ^_^ )v
Age 37, Male
assassin for hire
if you only knew
Joined on 12/25/09
Posted by Ghost21b - January 26th, 2013
So i finally manage to get a loan to go to a college for game arts and design. Something hits me... I know Absolutly nothing about Micro soft and Adobe and even less about school things such as math english science. ect. ect... so i decide to check out adobe's tutorial and all they are doing is trying to sell it saying with our new product you can do this this and this at which time a picture pops up showing some cool movie style graphics but nota about on how the thing was created. by this time i have falling to the point of checking out you tubes videos on the subject my pc decides to shout out FUCK YOU!!! v(>o<)J and freeze on one pic in the video that looks like a giant hairy ass pooping. now i am sitting here feeling helpless and all alone in a feeble position crying with my thumb in my mouth.
so here is a trojan man- comic for no reason what so pooping ever
Posted by Ghost21b - January 22nd, 2013
______________________________________v ( >o<)J________________________________________
Posted by Ghost21b - September 29th, 2012
One of my favorite videogames is going to be shut down due to the company wanting to copy some other games
City of Heroes was one of the best creative games out there from character creation to the story. you was able to be just about anything literaly. no two characters were alike. you got to literaly be your own super hero have your own personal story your own look hell even the super group bases were customizable. you were even able to create your own missions. now NcSoft is nolonger interested in the modern day super hero mmorpg instead they wand games like world of warcraft (not that theres anything wrong with WOW) . this will be the 6th or 7th game they have shut down. it wasnt do to lack of profits hell the profits were rising even higher after it went free to play. there was no sign of it ever droping for 8 years. so i ask you all what is a good modern day mmorpg that seems like it will stay? i dont want to be a damn dragon slayer not unless it involves driving a car off a building into its eye :P
Posted by Ghost21b - September 9th, 2012
i cant seem to upload my work on here through submiting art without having to make the pics super small so ill do this let me know what you think... well aparently i cant even post it on here atleast not readable anyways so heres the fb link to it
#!/photo.php?fbid=10151195434305140&set=oa.43996 1619383149&type=1&theater